1. Half empty or half full?
Filled up to max! Jokes aside, at the moment I try to think positive, as I’ve been thru quite a lot this past fall. So right now, it's half full.
2. Death metal. Rock-hard or hard rock?
It’s hard rock. I don't listen that much to death metal to be honest… and very few rock hard. I’m a softy, a big teddy bear/beer.
3. Three all-time favorite albums?
Helloween - Keeper of the Seven Keys: Part II
Iron Maiden - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
King Diamond - Them
But it's really impossible to rank only 3 albums.
4. Most influential drummer?
For me it's Ingo Schwichtenberg, original drummer in Helloween. He was the first drummer I heard playing fast double bass.
5. Your deepest music related secret?
I used to be quite good at playing guitar, but after my cardiac arrest back in 2014, my fingers don't work as they used to. I can still play, but not as good. Also, I really love Freedom Call and euro disco.
Seventh death!